Monday, October 29, 2012

Manny Pacquiao Named as the Fighter of the Decade

Not so long before Pacquiao’s fight with his Mexican boxing rival Juan Manuel Marquez, the Filipino ring icon and the fighting congressman of the Philippines was awarded by the WBO as the “Fighter of the Decade”. The organization’s main reason for giving this award to Manny Pacquiao is his achievements in eight different divisions over the past decades and we hope to see another victory on December 15, 2012 during the Pacquiao vs Marquez fight 4. The awarding took place in Florida during the 25th convention of the world boxing body.

Meanwhile, Manny Pacquiao is currently undergoing a deep physical conditioning exercise under the supervision of Buboy Fernandez (assistant trainer). The training is being performed at General Santos City in the Philippines. Fresh from receiving his “Fighter of the Decade” award, Manny Pacquiao’s name is also being dragged into the list of the possible WBO Champion of the Decade awardee. Looks like Money Mayweather’s ain’t getting any recognition at the moment. I guess he will as soon as he faces Manny Pacquiao in a boxing battle.

Before I end this post, here is a trivia about Manny Pacquiao’s training. It is said that Pacquiao’s sparring partner had quitted the by round three because he can’t keep up with the intense strength of the Filipino boxer. Well, we do hope Manny will be able to knock Marquez down as they go face to face for the fourth time on December 15,2012 at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas Nevada.


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