Thursday, December 6, 2012

What’s next for Pacquiao after his 4th Time Match with Marquez?

Many boxing aficionados are thinking what’s the next big plan for the Filipino ring icon Manny Pacquiao after he’s done fighting his Mexican counterpart in the person of Juan Manuel Marquez? A lot of them including me are hoping for a fight with the American boxer Floyd Mayweather Jr. But no words have been heard from Mayweather’s camp on whether he is considering the fight but rather stated that if this fight will ever happen, it should have been Money Mayweather who will dictate the do’s and don’ts of the game. Not very surprising though.

Aside from being optimistic for a Pacquiao vs Mayweather fight, some fears that Pacquiao vs Marquez fight 4 is the last boxing match of Manny Pacquiao because they fear that he will be saying goodbye to the boxing world and will concentrate on his political career and business plans. Above all those speculations, one thing is for certain, Manny Pacquiao isn’t retiring yet because Top Rank CEO and promoter Bob Arum has booked Manny Paquiao for an April 20, 2013 fight with no names of his possible opponent yet but I know we are all hopeful for one name and that is of Floyd Mayweather Jr.

That schedule enables Pacquiao for pushing his other plans like his political one in which he is trying to be reelected as Sarangani congressman and if luck is on his side which will allow his wife to be elected as vice governor of the same province, they might be pushing their plans for their beloved province together. But for now, let us just be settled with the fact that we are lucky enough to watch Pacquiao vsMarquez fight 4 on December 8, 2012. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Timothy Bradley’s Next Payday after Manny Pacquiao Turned down a Rematch with Him

It’s been a while since the last boxing exposure of Timothy Bradley, make it last June when he fought Manny Pacquiao in the ring for the WBA title. It was the talk of the town during the time not because he knocked Pacquiao out but because it was an unlikely decision for those who had watched the fight and believes that Manny Pacquiao is the real victor. Even before his fight with Pacquiao took place, he and his team bragged about a Pacquiao vs Bradley 2 which obviously is not gonna happen anytime soon because Manny Pacquiao choose to turn down this rematch.

Bradley stated his disgust about Manny Pacqiuao’s decision and even called the latter a chicken during one of his interviews. He hated the fact that Manny preferred a Pacquiao vs Marquez fight 4 than to face him again a regain his WBA title. Because of that many of us thought that it would be long after Bradley will get another paycheck courtesy of his boxing abilities. But Tim Bradley has reasons to be happy this Christmas for Top Rank CEO Bob Arum has something installed for him. Arum said that Bradley is about to defend the WBA title he got from Manny Pacquiao sometime in December.

No name has been mentioned yet but Bradley is said to fight against another well known welterweight boxer from Top Rank as well. The Bradley vs Anonymous boxer will take place on December 15, 2012 and will be held at Marlins Park in Miami, Fla.

Who’s Going To Knock Out Who? (A Pacquiao vs Marquez Fight 4 Poll)

With both fighters keeping their eyes on knocking one another out of the ring, it is still undeniable that there are people who are just so tired of seeing Pacquiao battling Marquez inside the boxing ring which seemed to be happening over and over and over again. Is the fire between the rivalry of the Filipino ring icon and the Mexican boxing legend finally loosing the interest of the public? Well, who’s to be blamed? Nobody wants a redundancy when it comes to boxing. But I guess this is better than watching a rematch with the Bradley guy who’s obviously a looser during his fight with Manny Pacquiao.

So anyway, since this is the fourth and hopefully the final boxing match of Pacquiao and Marquez, let us see whose side you are on? Whether you are Team Pacquiao or Team Marquez, feel free to share your insights to us by participating on our poll survey. This is just to eliminate the boredom of waiting for the coming of the day where you can finally watch Pacquiao vs Marquez fight 4 online.

Now that you’re counted in, vote for who you think is going to be knocked out of the ring, no money involved, this is just for fun and once you gave your vote, find out whether you have some talents in predicting stuffs just like this by watching the upcoming fight of Pacquiao and Marquez on December 8.

Who will be knocked out of the ring?
  • Manny Pacquiao
  • Juan Manuel Marquez
  • None of the above
  • The hell I care

Manny Pacquiao: Mayweather Jr.’s Savior

Yes! You got it right there my dear, suddenly Pacquiao is being the unlikely savior of Money Mayweather. News has it and it has been confirmed that the Filipino ring icon Manny Pacquiao drops the defamation lawsuit he filed against Floyd Mayweather last December of 2009. Sources from Manny Pacquiao’s camp says that the ever humble and gentleman fighting congressman of the Philippines is happy to put this legal matters against his boxing rival behind him. Now Mayweather can breathe. Could this settlement be another sign that the much awaited boxing fight will happen anytime soon? Let’s keep our fingers cross.

Even the Filipino boxing ring icon is very optimistic that this fight between him and Mayweather would happen. Manny Pacquiao was heard saying that during a conference at Beverly Hills while he is promoting the Pacquiao vs Marquez fight 4. Despite the lawsuit being drop, Floyd is still going to pay Pacquiao a $114,000 legal fees.

Aside from his busy schedule being a congressman in the Philippines and promoting his upcoming fight with Marquez, Pacquiao on the next days to come would even be more than busy promoting not just his own fights but someone else’s fight as well. That is mainly because he is into a new business, a promotion company which he calls as the MP Promotions and what’s interesting with that is the fact that he’ll be working with Mayweather’s former bff 50 cent. Call that what? The Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian of boxing! Bet that friendship won’t last like that of these socialites.

Pacquiao vs Mayweather: More Talked about than His Upcoming Fight with Marquez

One more day closer to the fourth time boxing fight between Manny Pacquiao and Juan Manuel Marquez, the two boxing champions are doing their very best to promote their upcoming fight on December 8, 2012. But it looks as though despite their efforts of promoting the said fight, the people and the media is more interested in talking about a possible Pacquiao vs Mayweather  fight, it seems as though they’ve forgotten to mind the Pacquiaovs Marquez fight 4 even in the presence of Marquez. This is an unlikely situation for the latter may I say. 

It would be awkward or rather irritating on the part of Marquez that even in his presence, the press people, interviewer and even his opponent Manny Pacquiao kept on talking about that much awaited fight with Floyd Mayweather who in fact seemed not to care about it at all. I mean can we give the Mexican man some respect? He too is someone who can punch well and if given the chance can knock Pacquiao out of the ring. I mean I’m not against the Pacquiao vs Mayweather fight but can we at least make some time to really face the fact that Manny needs to beat Marquez first before dreaming so deep for that Mayweather fight?

Hope they can all be sensitive about their actions during Pacquiao vs Marquez fight 4’s promotional blah blahs. Stick to first things first before going farther and farther. This December fight should come of first hand before facing the 1% possibility of making bigger bucks out of Mayweather’s name.

What Juan Manuel Marquez Wants When He Faces Manny Pacquiao for the Fourth Time

More than 3 months away from now, we’ll be seeing Pacquiao and Marquez inside the boxing ring where they are set to exchange punches for the fourth time. The Pacquiao vs Marquez fight is scheduled for December 8, 2012 at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. Unlike their first 3 fights, this fourth fight is not getting much publicity, so let’s make it the talk of the town by well, talking. Even before the Pacquiao vs Marquez Fight, boxing aficionados are looking forward for Manny’s fight against Floyd but hey! Manny’s got someone to knock out first before he can have that fight with Floyd. As for a matter of fact it is still uncertain whether Mayweather will ever face Pacquiao. Oh geez, so before we turn our attention to that match, let us talk about Juan Manueal Marquez who seemed to have some pre-fight-wishes.

His last three fights with Pacquiao were a bit blurry or should we call it controversial as many call it that way. It is because of the fact that we (audiences) are kinda speculative of the verdict and because of that they (Pacquia and Marquez) both agreed to face one another. Marquez is always looking forward to finally beat Manny Pacquiao and the only thing that’s failing him to do so is a judge from the Nevada State Athletic Commission. Hmm.. It seemed to me that Marquez thinks that his previous fights with the Filipino fighter has been manipulated by the judges that’s why he wants judges who is not part of this Athletic Commission whatever. We still don’t know yet if this wish of Marquez will be bestowed upon him while that is the least of our concerns. All I know is that, you won’t get people confused about a boxing result if you’ll just knock your opponent out. That goes for both fighters. We want to see a knock out when we watch Pacquiao vsMarquez 4 fight.

Timothy Bradley Calls Manny Pacquiao A Chicken: Challenges Floyd Mayweather Jr.

Nothing but harsh words are coming out of Timothy Bradley’s mouth after knowing that the Filipino Boxing Champion Manny Pacquiao had turned down a rematch with him. The current World Boxing Organization Welterweight Champion is disappointed that Manny Pacquiao chose a fourth time match with his opponent Juan Manuel Marquez, the Pacquiao vs Marquez fight is set to happen on December 8, 2012 in Las Vegas Nevada and he (Bradley) can’t stand the fact that Manny Pacquiao doesn’t care less of redeeming his loss thus resulting to him calling the Filipino boxer, Manny Pacquiao a chicken!

It seemed to me that Tim Bradley is not aware that there are more boxing fans out there who thinks or should I say strongly believes that he lost that fight with Pacquiao. Isn’t Timothy Bradley aware that his recent fight with Pacquiao was dubbed controversial because of the fact that his performance inside the boxing ring during the said fight is not enough to convince us that he really did overpowered Pacquiao? But although Timothy Bradley despises this upcoming fight, we can’t erase the possibility that he is still gonna watchPacquiao vs Marquez fight 4 in order to learn new strategies just in case Marquez knock Pacquiao off.

Now since the Pacquiao vs Marquez fight is all set and clearly unstoppable, Timothy Bradley is turning his head to another possible opponent, no other than Floyd Mayweather Jr. If this fight between Tim and Floyd became a reality, we can expect something more than the typical exchange of punches and what do we call that game Money Mayweather likes to play? Trash talk baby! I just hope Bradley can counter all that. Nevertheless it is said that Pacquiao vs Bradley can still happen and we’ll find out about that soon.